
Cameras for high resolution photography.

Technical specifications

Equipped with a C-mount interface and a 5 megapixel CDD sensor

Resource person

Martin Lavoie
Pavillon Abitibi-Price, Université Laval, 2405 rue de la Terrasse, local 3107
(418) 656-2131 poste 2230

Conditions of use

Managed by lab manager.


Reference collection of pollen grains and spores of current North American species.

Technical specifications

Allows identification of macrofossils by comparing them to current or fossilized seeds and plant parts

Resource person

Martin Lavoie
Pavillon Abitibi-Price, Université Laval, 2405 rue de la Terrasse, local 3107
(418) 656-2131 poste 2230

Conditions of use

Managed by lab manager.


High-end polarization microscope with intelligent light and contrast management.

Technical specifications

Microscopes with a magnification range from 50x to 1000x (including 10x eyepieces)

Resource person

Martin Lavoie
Pavillon Abitibi-Price, Université Laval, 2405 rue de la Terrasse, local 3107
(418) 656-2131 poste 2230

Conditions of use

Managed by lab manager.


High-end polarization microscope with LED and intelligent light land contrast management.

Technical specifications

Microscopes with a magnification range from 50x to 1000x (including 10x eyepieces)

Resource person

Martin Lavoie
Pavillon Abitibi-Price, Université Laval, 2405 rue de la Terrasse, local 3107
(418) 656-2131 poste 2230

Conditions of use

Managed by lab manager.